Thenwedanced blog is a free bi-weekly newsletter. Please feel free to share this newsletter to someone you love. If you enjoy and benefit from my work. This is a reader-supported offering and I’m so grateful for your presence here.
In this email you’ll find.
My one goal for 2024
Inspiration on acceptance
Journal prompts
My favorite things
So glad you’re here!
Can you believe it’s Twenty-Twenty Four? Wild! I know. Funny story about years changing when you’ve entered mid-life. Just because the year changed and I was anticipating a bigger number than ‘23, my mind started playing tricks on me since day one. I was suddenly writing 2025 on checks and bank deposit slips. Once I found myself scribbling out a 6, changing it back to a 5, no wait, a 4. Ugh! It was an unlegable mess. What is even happening? It feels reminiscent of time change - where adjusting is also difficult. Regardless of my mind games, the year has begun and there’s no turning back now.
Everyone this time of year is talking about words or goals for 2024. Are you too? Have you picked a word? I used to be a word person, but have morphed into a goal person. In my teens, I was a goal/resolutions person. I guess I’m back there in a way but I only have one goal. One simple, little goal.
Finish my manuscript.
That should be easy. I think. I hope I can do that. I’m a third of the way in the woods with it. It's getting kinda messy in there and hard to see what’s ahead and what’s behind but I keep plodding along, word by word and hope that God can bring something good out of all my words. I’m kinda getting ready to be done with the thing. (Did I just say that out loud?)
On a more serious note about goals or words, I’m continuing where last year left off. At the end of the year I felt God working in me ways to be open to acceptance. As January unfolds I’m sensing God isn’t finished with that work.
I’ve worked on this with my circumstances, the people in my life, the problems I face… and more importantly, acceptance of me.
In 2022, I think I have the year right, haha, I read a book called Radical Compassion by Tara Brach and it wasn’t until the following year that this radical compassion, or acceptance how I more fully interpreted her message really began to take root. Soon opportunities arose where God brought situations into my life that challenged my perspective and response. Throughout the year, I had chance after chance to sit with my reality and hold it and say, “If this is as bad as it gets, can I still be ok?”
That phrase is one from the book and it stuck. Its message has nettled my contentment levels. It’s challenged my attitude and willingness to be present in ways I wrestled with and welcomed. More than once, I had to sneak off somewhere alone, sit down, open my hands in my lap and say,
“If this is as bad as it gets, can I still be ok?”
So going forward in the new year, I’m continuing being open to this idea. What else does God have up his sleeve by way of acceptance? I’m keeping in this flow because it’s where I sense God is moving.
A new year doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to take a hard right turn. So I’m staying. For now.
And just to give you a hint, I’ve been poking around with God questions on identity. If that’s of interest to you, you might want to stick around. Part of accepting our lives, means accepting who we are. And let me tell you, that isn’t the easiest thing in the world.
You can expect some posts down the pike on identity. It might be raw. It might be messy. And, as you can expect from me, it’ll be honest. That’s one thing I’ve always given my readers. My honestly.
So, where are you headed this New Year? Is there a theme caring over from last year? What is God stirring in you? Keep it going. Starting a new year doesn’t mean starting with a blank slate. God is leading you somewhere. Continue that way. Keep doing out into the deep with him.
All the best for your new year,
the Dancer
What is your word or theme for the year?
Philippians 1:6
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
What are your goals or word for the year?
What theme might God be continuing from last year?
What does God want you to know about that theme or idea?
What’s been the hardest/easiest part about what God is bringing to your attention?
This show on Netflix, All The Light We Cannot See, is as good as the book IMO. If you’re a fan of WWII books and/or movies, you’ll find this one rise to the best of the best immediately I’m sure. The show is different, as all screen interpretations are different but still so gripping and inspiring non the less. Watch it and let me know what you think!
My favorite winter mug comes from Jars of Clay by Shena Oberholtzer. She’s extremely talented making these hand thrown mugs with simple earthy designs. I’m blown away by her originality. Besides that we share the same birthday! How cool! <3 Look her up and give her an order today!
The first book I finished for 2024 was How To Stay Married by Harrions’s Scott Key. I highly recommend this memoir. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me read sections aloud to my husband. Key does a fantastic job talking about about such a sensitive subject with great humor. It’s beautifully sad as most love stories truly are. If you’re married, this book is for you.
Thanks for sharing, Jolynn. Happy new year!
So well said! If only we could spend a minute in the minds of other people -even those we think have it all together- I think we’d realize how much this insecurity thing affects us all. We each cope with it in different ways but I think it’s a struggle most people have. And yet Jesus thought we were worth dying for.